Monday, July 11, 2011

Another Wonderful Weekend in Cuenca

Over the weekend my friend Raissa and I (she is a fellow student in my study abroad program) took a trip to Cuenca, Ecuador. It is a ten hour bus ride from Quito...yuck. But I really wanted to go back because the first time I was there, I met this really great guy that I wanted to see again. So we took an overnight bus there and had an amazing weekend! Seeing him was so great. We really like each other. His name is Leandro and he is a 22 year old college student who is studying law at the University of Cuenca. He speaks a little bit of English, but we only talk in Spanish because I want to get better at Spanish and his English isn't good enough to have full conversations. He asked me to be his girlfriend and he is so charming and wonderful that of course I said yes :) We are already so head over heels for each other and I can't wait to see him again!

Leandro and I :)

Raissa and I ready for a night out on the town!

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