Thursday, July 7, 2011

Weekend in the Jungle

Over the weekend, me and some other students from my study abroad program spent the weekend in the jungle. We were in a small town called Mindo that is about two hours away from Quito. It was beautiful! It was such a breath of fresh air to get out of enormous, polluted Quito, and spend a weekend in such a lush, fresh and green place. We spent our first day ziplining through the jungle. There were ten ziplines in total that we did which took us all over the jungle. Soaring through the jungle, hundreds of feet above the ground is pretty amazing! The next day, we hiked up to this spot in the jungle where there are a few waterfalls and a river and we spent the entire day there, just relaxing and swimming. It was so beautiful and wonderful!

Our group enjoying ziplining!

Ziplining through the jungle!

The hostel that we stayed in for $6 per night

The small, cute town of Mindo

"Te amo Mindo"

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