Saturday, August 13, 2011

The end of my time in Otavalo

My internship at La Casa de la Juventud in Otavalo has ended. My internship ended up having good timing because it ended the same day that all the summer classes ended for the kids so I was able to be at the end of the summer celebration in which the kids in all the different classes displayed everything that they had worked on over the summer in their classes at La Casa de la Juventud. This included musical performances, guitar recitals, ballet and modern dance performances, a display of all the art work, a puppet show, and more. I am so glad that I was able to be here for that! I will miss the kids and the staff that I worked with here so much. I had such a wonderful experience working with all the kids!

I had a really fun night last night at a birthday party for the brother of my good friend Maricruz. Her brother owns a club here in Otavalo and he threw a private party to celebrate his birthday. It was a lot of fun! I was the only “gringa” at the club which was a little bit overwhelming since the men here go so crazy for the white girls. I had a great night with my friends dancing and hanging out. I spent the majority of today with Maricruz and her family at their house. I sure am going to miss them!

Tomorrow I have to return to Quito to finish up my last week of my study abroad program. I am sad to have to leave Otavalo! I will really miss my friends here, my family, La Casa de la Juventud, and the cute little town of Otavalo!

I have taken a few photos on my american cell phone of my experiences here in Otavalo. When I get back to Quito, I am going to transfer the photos to my laptop so that I will be able to upload a few!

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