Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Photos of my two weeks in Otavalo

The kids at the youth house where I interned

Puppets that the kids made in one of the classes that I worked in

The good friend that I made, Maricruz!

The park where I loved to hang out 

My little brother in Otavalo! We really bonded. 

A famous cemetary that we visited on the border of Colombia 

My mom and brother and sister 

Visiting a lagun

Maricruz and I before going out clubbing 

In Colombia! I went for a day trip with my family to Colombia-

Eating lunch in Colombia

My handsom boyfriend when he came to visit me in Otavalo

A statue in Otavalo 

My beautiful Otavalo 

Some girls in the art class I helped in

A drawing one of the kids did

One of the art projects we worked on 


La Casa de la Juventud, which translates to Youth House. Where I did my internship!

Indigenous music class 

A mural of Otavalo 

Me and Apauki, one of the little boys that I really bonded with at the Youth House

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