Thursday, October 6, 2011

Recent events

Life at the orphanage is still wonderful and I love the children here more each day. They are so precious and I just adore them! Also, thankfully, the elementary school english teacher is no longer sick and is back at school teaching her classes. So now I don't have to teach her classes by myself! This week I have been helping a lot in the english classes at the high school. I am really enjoying it! Here are some recent pics of the kids at the orphanage:

 For my roommate's birthday, we went up to this huge statue of the virgin Mary. It over looks all of Quito to "watch over" the city. It was beautiful!

The beautiful view of Quito

El Panecillo in all her glory

After staring at her from a distance on the other side of Quito, I was amazed at how big she was in real life!

I also recently went to Guyaquil (the biggest city in Ecuador) with my roommate to spend time with a family that she knows there. It was an amazing weekend! Guyaquil is on the coast so it is really hot and tropical there. Quite a change from being in the mountains in Quito! I really enjoyed hanging out and staying with this family and I will definitely go back with my roommate at least one more time to visit them in Guyaquil and stay the weekend with them.

Cynthia and I

A family we met after church

Manolo and I with a view of the city

Amber and I after Cynthia and I did our makeup one day...I thought I looked scary with all that eye makeup haha

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