Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Family in Quito

Even though I had a bad experience with my host family when I was with my study abroad program, I was fortunate enough to have amazing neighbors during this time. This family has taken me in like there own daughter/sister and has been so wonderful to me and such a source of joy during my time here. Even though I do not live right next door to them in Quito anymore, I visit them at least once a week to spend a night at their house and visit. The mom, Adriana, has the kindest heart of anyone I have met. She is like a mother/sister figure to me and is someone that I can talk to about everything. She is also a wonderful artist and makes the most amazing things out of recycled and organic material! It is amazing! I have gone with her a few times to sell her art in markets and it is always so much fun.

This family is so wonderful to me and I truly do not know how I will ever say goodbye when I leave Ecuador!

These two boys have my heart...Leito and Gabrielito. They are little balls of energy and are so precious!

Adriana is an artist and makes the most beautiful art! I go with her often to markets to sell her art.
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The family minus the dad
At a market selling Adri's art stuff
The boys ready for school
Jennifer the 13 year old sister
Leito and I sleep together when I spend the night on the sofa bed and he is so precious and attached to me

Maria Belen :)

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