Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Last week in Ecuador...

The time that I have been dreading has come...my last week in Ecuador. I have already been so emotional and am crying at every little thing. I have already started saying my goodbyes and it has been so difficult. I have so many loved ones here and so many amazing relationships that saying goodbye to everyone is so sad and hard. I will be going to some other cites this week to say goodbye to my loved ones in cities outside of Quito. My family in Quito is throwing a goodbye party for me on Monday night, my last night in Quito.

I spent the entire weekend with my family in Quito. We made chocolate out of cacao, had a bbq, cooked a lot of other food, and just spent a lot of time together. Here are a few photos from the weekend and a few of this week:

Making chocolate!

Adri and I with cacau shells.

Making chocolate!

Cooking lots of delicious food!

One of my last days with some of the younger students

Some of my favorites :)

The older students

The country that stole my heart

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